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ISPB: 2006 Meeting

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Plasmid Biology '06

Awaiting copy of group photograph. (I was too busy scoffing lunch and forgot...)

23-27 September 2006; Fallen Leaf Lake, South Lake Tahoe, California, USA.


Juan C. Alonso (Madrid, ES)
Syam P. Anand (Pittsburgh, US)
Karsten Arends (Berlin, DE)
Stuart J. Austin (Frederick, US)
Jadwiga Baj (Warsawa, PL)
Trudi Bannam (Clayton, AU)
Kelly Baptista (Edmonton, CA)
Dariusz Bartosik (Warsawa, PL)
Deepak Bastia (Charleston, US)
Sarah M. Batt (Birmingham, UK)
Ian K. Blaby (Cambridge, UK)
Susana Brom (Cuernavaca, MX)
Richard Calendar (Berkeley, US)
Jamie Caryl (Leeds, UK)
Josep Casadesus (Seville, ES)
Mildred Castellanos (Cuernavaca, MX)
Miguel Ángel Cevallos (Cuernavaca, MX)
George Chaconas (Calgary, CA)
Sonia Chahal (Vermillion, US)
Ananda M. Chakrabarty (Chicago, US)
Dhruba Chattoraj (Bethesda, US)
Aspa Chatziefthimiou (New Brunswick, US)
Yuqing Chen (Minneapolis, US)
Peter Christie (Houston, US)
Stanley N. Cohen (Stanford, US)
Jorge H. Crosa (Portland, US)
Fernando de la Cruz (Santander, ES)
Jan Deneke (Calgary, CA)
Gary Dunny (Minneapolis, US)
Lukasz Dziewit (Warsawa, PL)
Manuel Espinosa (Madrid, ES)
Stephen K. Farrand (Urbana, US)
Ana Paula Fernandes (Foster City, US)
Marcin Filutowicz (Madison, US)
Neville Firth (Sydney, AU)
Randal Fox (Moscow, US)
Laura Frost (Edmonton, CA)
Barbara Funnell (Toronto, CA)
James E. Galen (Baltimore, US)
Hortenisa Garcia Rolan (Davis, US)
Ronald Godiska (Middleton, US)
Mathieu Gonnet (Plouzané, FR)
Noelle Gracy (Amsterdam, NL)
Elisabeth Grohmann (Berlin, DE)
Rembrandt Haft (Seattle, US)
Cliff S. Han (Los Alamos, US)
Man Han (Nagano, JP)
James Havey (Toronto, CA)
Donald R. Helinski (La Jolla, US)
Patricia Helinski (La Jolla, US)
Sota Hiraga (Kyoto, JP)
Lori Ing (Toronto, CA)
Tateo Itoh (Nagano, JP)
Grazyna Jagura-Burdzy (Warsawa, PL)
Slade Jensen (Sydney, AU)
Timothy Johnson (St. Paul, US)
Mario Juhas (Oxford, UK)
Clarence I. Kado (Davis, US)
Pam Kazmierczak (Davis, US)
Saleem A. Khan (Pittsburgh, US)
Sharik Khan (Urbana, US)
William Klimke (Bethesda, US)
Ichizo Kobayashi (Tokyo, JP)
Katarzyna Kolatka (Gdansk, PL)
Igor Konieczny (Gdansk, PL)
Maria Kornienko (West Point, US)
Gabriela Kramer (Montevideo, UY)
Steve Krone (Moscow, US)
Anna Kulinska (Warsawa, PL)
Stephen Kwong (Sydney, AU)
Antonio Lagares (La Plata, AR)
Delin Liang (Thousand Oaks, US)
Mei-Hui Lin (Taoyuan, TW)
Virginia Lioy (Madrid, ES)
Shih-Tung Liu (Taoyuan, TW)
Matxalen Llosa (Santander, ES)
Malgorzata Lobocka (Warsawa, PL)
Wesley Loftie-Eaton (Stellenbosch, ZA)
Catherine Logue (Fargo, US)
Yasunori Machida (Nagoya, JP)
Ryo Miyazaki (Sendai, JP)
Nicole Moreno (Cleveland, US)
Anne-Laure Moyne (Davis, US)
Sidra Tul Muntaha (Birmingham, UK)
Günther Muth (Tübingen, DE)
Hiroaki Naka (Portland, US)
Christina Newport (Kansas City, US)
Jan Nešvera (Praha, CZ)
Hideaki Nojiri (Tokyo, JP)
Lisa K. Nolan (Ames, US)
Kurt Nordström (Uppsala, SE)
Jennifer Parsons (Clayton, AU)
Franck Pasta (Toulouse, FR)
Marcin Pierechod (Gdansk, PL)
Mariano Pistorio (La Plata, AR)
Elena Poluektova (Moscow, RU)
Alexander Prozorov (Moscow, RU)
Yinping Qin (Urbana, US)
Magdalena Rajewska (Gdansk, PL)
Douglas E. Rawlings (Stellenbosch, ZA)
Frank Roberto (Idaho Falls, US)
Adam Roberts (London, UK)
David Romero (Cuernavaca, MX)
Julian I. Rood (Clayton, AU)
Yoriko Sakai (Tsukuba, JP)
Indra Sandal (Blacksburg, US)
Joel F. Schildbach (Baltimore, US)
Edgardo Sepúlveda (Cuernavaca, MX)
Masaki Shintani (Tokyo, JP)
Ronald A. Skurray (Sydney, AU)
Hege Sletvold (Tromso, NO)
Nohemy Sorto (Los Angeles, US)
Masahiro Sota (Moscow, US)
Panos Soultanas (Nottingham, UK)
Andrew Spiers (Dundee, UK)
Preeti Srivastava (Bethesda, US)
Wojciech Staniszewski (Warsawa, PL)
Shengchang Su (Urbana, US)
Anne Summers (Athens, US)
Hideki Suzuki (Madison, US)
Sarah Teng (Clayton, AU)
Christopher M. Thomas (Birmingham, UK)
Christopher D. Thomas (Leeds, UK)
Marcelo Tolmasky (Fullerton, US)
Eva Top (Moscow, US)
Gonzalo Torres Tejerizo (La Plata, AR)
Aresa Toukdarian (La Jolla, US)
Tuong Tran (San Diego, US)
Beth Traxler (Seattle, US)
Renee Tsolis (Davis, US)
Masataka Tsuda (Sendai, JP)
Neal Van Alfen (Davis, US)
Géraldine van der Auwera (Boston, US)
Patricia S. Vary (DeKalb, US)
Anthony Vecchiarelli (Toronto, CA)
Tatiana Venkova-Canova (Bethesda, US)
Joseph P. Vogel (St. Louis, US)
Ian Waldman (Foster City, US)
Keith Weaver (Vermillion, US)
Grzegorz Wegrzyn (Gdansk, PL)
Laura Williams (Athens, US)
Stephen Winans (Ithaca, US)
Monika Witosinska (Gdansk, PL)
Mira Wlodarczyk (Warsawa, PL)
Stefan Wuertz (Davis, US)
Masaru Yagura (Nagano, JP)
Hirokazu Yano (Idaho, US)
Shiyin Yao (La Jolla, US)
Glenn Young (Davis, US)
Katarzyna Zdanowicz (Gdansk, PL)
Ellen Zechner (Graz, AT)
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Last updated: 28th February 2007 by cdt