ISPB logo International Society for Plasmid Biology and other Mobile Genetic Elements

ISPB: About the Society

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About the Society

The ISPB was formed in September 2004, at the International Symposium on Molecular Biology of Bacterial Plasmids and Other Mobile Genetic Elements. All those attending paid some Euros and the Society was born.

The Aims are to promote greater understanding of these elements, both by enhanced scientific interaction between members and by greater communication of our findings to non-members, be they members of the general public, aspiring undergraduates, learned scientists of distinction, or those requiring our expertise in reaching decisions of public interest.

The Society's Constitution can be found here.

The principal international meetings of the Society are held every two years. The origins of these meetings can be traced back to 1984. A selection of information relating to past and future meetings can be found in the Meetings section.

The Society is co-ordinated by Officers and a Committee, with responsibilities for both running of the society and to act as spokespersons on different aspects of plasmids and mobile genetic elements. In addition, an international advisory committee overseas the form and content of each of the international meetings.

It is hoped that these web pages are of use in facilitating contact with members and previous attendees at the international symposia. By providing links to the home pages of such scientists in the People section their research interests may reach a greater audience.
© 2025 ISPB v1.1
Last updated: 3rd October 2006 by cdt