Rate of exchange of the Polish currency (PLN) for August 12th, 2008 is:
1 USD = 2,2078 PLN
1 EUR = 3,2835 PLN
Current rate is available in table on the website:
It is possible to withdraw cash from ATM machines available in the area nearby the conference location and in the whole city or in bank posts (i.e. Citibank, Raiffeisen, PKO, Deutsche Bank). Also, there are many exchange offices around the city where foreign cash (dollars, euros, etc.) can be exchanged according to current rates.
For the participants of the IPBC 2008 conference flying to the Lech Walesa Airport it will be the best to take a taxi to get from the airport to the conference location. A fixed charge will be negotiated with a taxi corporation (name and phone number will be given next week). Please tell the taxi driver that you are participant of the PLASMID meeting. If you need, you can ask the taxi driver for a receipt.
The conference address is:
University Complex at 24 Kladki Street
(Uniwersytet Gdanski ulica Kladki 24)
The conference participants arriving to the main Gdansk railway station may choose taxi transport,
tram (number 8 or 13, towards the direction of Stogi, second stop from the station)
or a 20 minutes walk to the conference location
<< click for map >> .
It is advised to take umbrellas and raincoats as weather in Poland in September may vary from sunny and warm to chilly and rainy. The three-day weather prediction is available on the website: << click on >>
after choosing 'Gdansk' from the left drop-down menu (Poland).
The conference facilities are within a distance of a 5-10 minutes walk from the restaurant where dinners will be served.
In case of emergency please call: 112 (POLICE, AMBULANCE, FIRE DEPARTMENT)
Karolina Szroder (IPBC2008 coordinator): +48 608 380 019
Igor Konieczny : +48 603 725 724