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ISPB: People

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Past and present contributors to the International Symposia on Plasmid Biology:

PB94 Participants
Dylan Alexander (Edmonton, CA)
Karen Anthony (Edmonton, CA)
Gordon L. Archer (Richmond, US)
Stuart J. Austin (Frederick, US)
Peter Barth (Helsby, UK)
Deepak Bastia (Charleston, US)
Paul Baumann (Davis, US)
Linda Baumann (Davis, US)
Alessandra Blasina (La Jolla, US)
Natalie Bogdanos
Sabine Brantl (Jena, DE)
Sierd Bron (Haren, NL)
Dhruba Chattoraj (Bethesda, US)
Don B. Clewell (Ann Arbor, US)
Stanley N. Cohen (Stanford, US)
Patrice Courvalin (Paris, FR)
Ramón Díaz-Orejas (Madrid, ES)
Mette Dam (Odense, DK)
Anath Das (Minneapolis, US)
Michael A. Davis (Frederick, US)
Fernando de la Cruz (Santander, ES)
Gloria del Solar (Madrid, ES)
Richard C. Deonier (Los Angeles, US)
Laurie Dixon (Edmonton, CA)
Kelly Doran (La Jolla, US)
Gary Dunny (Minneapolis, US)
Carla Easter (La Jolla, US)
S. Dusko Ehrlich (Jouy en Josas, FR)
Manuel Espinosa (Madrid, ES)
Stephen K. Farrand (Urbana, US)
Elena Fernández-Tresguerres (Madrid, ES)
David H. Figurski (New York, US)
Marcin Filutowicz (Madison, US)
William Firshein (Middletown, US)
Thomas Franch (Odense, DK)
Laura Frost (Edmonton, CA)
John C. Fry (Cardiff, UK)
William (Clay) Fuqua (Indiana, US)
Nobuhisa Furuya (Tokyo, JP)
Dominique Galli (Indianapolis, US)
Michael Gasson (Norwich, UK)
Maria L. Gennaro (New York, US)
Kenn Gerdes (Newcastle, UK)
Leighann Giebelhaus (Edmonton, CA)
Donald Guiney (La Jolla, US)
Atsuko Gyoda (Tokyo, JP)
Ruth Hall (Sydney, AU)
Donald R. Helinski (La Jolla, US)
Katja Hill (Cardiff, UK)
Sota Hiraga (Kyoto, JP)
Gregor Högenauer (Graz, AT)
Martin Holcik (Ottowa, CA)
Karin A. Ippen-Ihler
V.N. (Bob) Iyer (Ottowa, CA)
Erik Johnson (La Jolla, US)
Louise Jones (Davis, US)
Clarence I. Kado (Davis, US)
Ponniah Karunakaran (Trondheim, NO)
Saleem A. Khan (Pittsburgh, US)
Robert Knowles (Delaware, US)
Teruya Komano (Tokyo, JP)
Günther Koraimann (Graz, AT)
Erich Lanka (Berlin, DE)
Lan-Ying Lee (Davis, US)
Hansjorg Lehnherr (Odense, DK)
Brenda Leskiw (Edmonton, CA)
Sue Lin-Chao (Taipei, TW)
Donia Macartney
Kenneth J. Marians (New York, US)
Steve Matson (Chapel Hill, US)
Fukihiko Matsunaga (Kyoto, JP)
Keith McKenny (Gaithersburg, US)
Max Mergeay (Mol, BE)
Richard J. Meyer (Austin, US)
Margret More (Ithaca, US)
Gauranga Mukhopadhyay
Cindy Nakatsu (East Lansing, US)
Peter Newnham (Edmonton, CA)
Kurt Nordström (Uppsala, SE)
Karen Novak
Richard P. Novick (New York, US)
Abdel Jawad Ouazzani Chahdi (Bruxelles, BE)
David Page (Galway, IE)
Werner Pansegrau (Berlin, DE)
Suzanne Paterson (Ottowa, CA)
Sonya Penfold (Edmonton, CA)
Lyndsay Radnedge (Frederick, US)
Avraham Rasooly
Paul Roy (Quebec, CA)
Hiroshi Sakai (Kyoto, JP)
Abigail A. Salyers (Urbana, US)
James Sandercock (Edmonton, CA)
Jonathan R. Saunders (Liverpool, UK)
James A. Sawitzke (Frederick, US)
Helmut Schwab (Graz, AT)
Craig Sherburne (Edmonton, CA)
John Simon (Edmonton, CA)
Ola E. Skold (Uppsala, SE)
Ronald A. Skurray (Sydney, AU)
Patricia A. Sobecky (Tuscaloosa, US)
Fredrik Soderbom (Uppsala, SE)
Hongsheng Su (Montreal, CA)
Waclaw Szybalski (Madison, US)
Diane Taylor (Edmonton, CA)
Martine Thilly-Couturier (Bruxelles, BE)
Christopher M. Thomas (Birmingham, UK)
Christopher D. Thomas (Leeds, UK)
Lydia Tkalec (Montreal, CA)
Eva Top (Moscow, US)
Aresa Toukdarian (La Jolla, US)
Tim van Biesen (Durham, US)
Gerhart Wagner (Uppsala, SE)
Peizhi Wang
Keith Weaver (Vermillion, US)
Kenneth Whelan (Edmonton, CA)
Sue Wickner (Bethesda, US)
Jadwiga Wild (Madison, US)
Stephen Winans (Ithaca, US)
Mira Wlodarczyk (Warsawa, PL)
Masanosuke Yoshikawa (Tokyo, JP)
Malgorzata M. Zatyka (Birmingham, UK)
Ellen Zechner (Graz, AT)
Qing Zhang

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Most of these links have been found by browsing, and are intended as a way for new members of the plasmid research community to find others with common interests and make contact with them. The default listing is based on those scheduled to speak at past Plasmid Biology meetings. If you want to be included under a different heading, let me know.

If I have not found your web site yet (or have made an error) do please contact me. Give me the URL for a link that includes your name, a description of your research interests, and at least one form of contact (phone or email) and I'll add the link. (Sorry, we cannot host individual pages on the ISPB server at this time.)

The webmaster of this ISPB site has no control over the content of sites linked from this page - follow them at your own risk. The presence of a link is not an endorsement by the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds for any service or product available through such a link. Participants¬es=PB94
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Last updated: 3rd October 2011 by cdt