The first recipient of the Brian
Wilkins Memorial Prize is Vincent Burrus, currently working as a
post-doctoral Reseach Fellow in the laboratory of Matthew Waldor at
Tuft's New England Medical Centre, Boston, USA. His
research has focused on Integrative Conjugative Elements.
Not only has he performed excellent primary work but as also written
very useful reviews of the field. Despite it being his
furst major talk at an interational meeting, Vincent gave a clear and
interesting account of his research. The accompanying
photo shows Vincent being congratulated by Susan Wilkins and Chris
Thomas the day after the award was announced at the Plasmid Biology
2004 Conference on Cofru.
The other short-listed candidates were Rebecca Byram from NIH Rocky
Mountain Labs in Montana, USA & Shamsu Zzaman from the Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA. |